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TALLKOZ A BALKN KAPUJBAN INTERDISZCIPLINRIS KONFERENCIA Kulturlis KlnbzQsg s Identifikci  Valls, Nemzet, Ideolgia Immr harmadik alkalommal trul ki Pcsett a Balkn kapuja, hogy a vilgzenei fesztivl koncertjei, a killtsok, az irodalmi beszlgetsek s a nemzetkzi konferencia elQadsainak sokasga kztt bngszve, mindenki megtallja a szmra rdekes programokat. A Kelet-nyugati tjr a Balkn-flsziget kulturlis soksznqsgrQl kvn vrQl vre szlesebb perspektvj kpet nyjtani. A rendezvnysorozat kt markns vt alkot Balkn Vilgzenei Fesztivl s a Tallkoz a Balkn Kapujban Nemzetkzi Interdiszciplinris Konferencia esemnyeinek sszefqzse lmnyt s ismeretet egyszerre knl ahhoz, hogy a Balkn kulturlis, irodalmi, filozfiai, politikai s mqvszeti trknt, a kulturlis ozmzis s a klnfle kzssgek megszakthatatlan interakcijnak tereknt pljn be a kztudatba. A vilgzenei koncertekbQl, kortrs mqvszeti killtsbl, konferencia-elQadsokbl, tudomny- s mqvszetkzi dialgusokbl sszelltott interkulturlis "patchwork", eurpai viszonylatban is egyedlll kezdemnyezs lvn, egy kivteles tallkozs, egy rgta esedkes kulturlis s sszmqvszeti diskurzus lehetQsgt is megteremtheti. A Kulturlis FQvros a vendgszeretet, a demokrcia, az igazsgossg, a kozmopolitizmus fQvrosa, s mint ilyen, arra ksztet, hogy Pcs, Essen s Isztambul, azaz 2010 Eurpa Kulturlis FQvrosainak trtnelmi, trsadalmi, vallsi klnbzQsgeibQl kiindulva rtelmezzk jra ezeket a fogalmakat, s a hozzjuk kapcsold potikai, politikai s kulturlis gyakorlatot. A Kelet-Nyugati tjr program keretben zajl Tallkoz a Balkn Kapujban tudomnyos-mqvszeti rendezvny clja a klnbzQ diskurzusok  filozfia, irodalomtudomny, vallstudomny, kritikai kultrakutats, kulturlis antropolgia, szociolgia, filmelmlet, mdiatudomny  , a klnbzQ mqvszeti gak, a klfldi s a hazai szakemberek, mqvszek bevonsval egy olyan interkulturlis prbeszd ltrehozsa, mely hossz tvon is megerQstheti Pcs Eurpa Kulturlis FQvrosaknt vllalt  kapu a Balknra szerept. A  Kulturlis klnbzQsg s identifikci  valls, nemzet, ideolgia cmq nemzetkzi interdiszciplinris konferencia lehetQsget knl arra, hogy diszkurzv trknt, politikai s potikai trknt, a kulturlis, az irodalmi, a mqvszeti interakcik tereknt rtelmezzk jra Kelet s Nyugat, Kelet-Eurpa s Nyugat-Eurpa, szak-Eurpa s Dl-Eurpa, Eurpa s a Balkn viszonyt, amiknt arra is, hogy az eltrQ kulturlis tapasztalatok, a klnbzQ egyttlsi modellek sszehasonlt vizsglatval prhuzamosan olyan j modelleket dolgozzunk ki, amelyek hosszabb tvon a Kelet-Nyugat, az szak-Dl, s a Kelet-Kelet kztti hatkonyabb egyttmqkdshez is elvezethetnek. A szakmai elQadsok, diszkusszik tovbbi clja, hogy az ltaluk elemzett demokrcia, igazsgossg, tolerancia, befogads, mssg, a vallsi, a kulturlis, az etnikai s a nemi klnbzQsg ne csak egy kutatsi tma, vagy egy diszkurzv divathoz igazods jele legyen, hanem egy interkulturlis kzssghez tartozs tapasztalata is, amelyre most Pcs, a  hatrtalan vros hatrtalan vendgszeretetvel knl lehetQsget. A Kelet-Nyugati tjr 2009 az Eurpai Uni ltal meghirdetett Kreativits s Innovci Eurpai vnek hivatalos esemnye. A Balkn Vilgzenei Fesztivl a 2010-es kultrfQvrosi vben megrendezendQ Balkn Vilgzenei Fesztivl s IV. Tallkoz a Balkn Kapujban Interdiszciplinris Konferencia elQksztQ rendezvnye. Dr. Orbn Joln s Fenyvesi Kristf Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem Jyvskyl University, Finnorszg 2009. november 4., szerda Mqvszetek s Irodalom Hza (Szchenyi tr 7-8.) 18.00 Az irodalomtudomny mqhelyei Hzas Nikoletta: A dobozba zrt gondolat  Marcel Duchamp (Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiad, 2009) cmq knyvnek bemutatja A szerzQvel Havasrti Jzsef (PTE BTK Kommunikci- s Mdiatudomnyi Tanszk) s Bagi Zsolt (PTE BTK Filozfia Tanszk) beszlget. Marcel Duchamp komplex letmqvnek elemzse felttelezi a nyelvisg, a konceptualits krdsnek vizsglatt. Hzas Nikoletta knyve e problmakr kiemelsvel elemzi Marcel Duchamp mqveit a korai ksrletektQl a Nagy vegen keresztl egszen a ready-madek-ig, s rmutat arra, hogy a  paradigmavltst" jelentQ Duchamp letmqvben hogyan rtelmezQdik t a mq, a mqvszet s a mqvsz fogalma. Hzas Nikoletta esztta, kritikus, az ELTE BTK Mqvszetelmleti s Mdiakutatsi Intzetnek oktatja. A Pcsi Akadmiai Bizottsg I. Nyelv- s Irodalomtudomnyok Szakbizottsga, Irodalomelmleti Munkabizottsga s Irodalomtrtneti Munkabizottsga valamint a Mqvszetek s Irodalom Hza kzs rendezvnye, s a Pcsi Kulturlis Kzponttal egyttmqkdsben valsul meg. 19.00 Killts megnyit ANNO 1968 A killts a Magyar KpzQmqvszeti Egyetemen 1968-ban diplomzott hallgatk mqvszi plyjnak egy-egy jellemzQ darabjt mutatja be. Az egykori egyetemi vfolyam kzssgnek tagjai ma a kortrs magyar s nemzetkzi kpzQmqvszet meghatroz egynisgei. November 19-n a trlat egy j terem megnyitsval s a killts tovbbi darabjainak bemutatsval vlik teljess. A killtst megnyitja: Fabnyi Jlia, a Baranya Megyei Mzeumok igazgatja s Kisfaludy Andrs az egykori Kex egyttes alapt tagja, filmrendezQ. A killts kurtora: Horvt Lszl Xavr A rendezvny a Pcsi Kulturlis Kzponttal egyttmqkdsben valsul meg. A killts megtekinthetQ: 2009. december 10-ig. Urnia Mozi (Hungria t 19.) BALKN VILGZENEI FESZTIVL 19.00 Dutar egyttes (HU) 21.00 Boban & Marko Markovic Orkestar (SRB) A Balkn Vilgzenei Fesztivl tovbi koncertjei november 5-6-7-n az Urnia Moziban lesznek. BelpQ: napijegy 1.500 Ft, szombati rads nap 600 Ft, brlet (4 napra) 3.500 Ft JegyelQvtel: Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont Informcis Iroda (Szchenyi tr 1.) www.ticketportal.hu III. TALLKOZ A BALKN KAPUJBAN INTERDISZCIPLINRIS KONFERENCIA Kulturlis klnbzQsg s identifikci  valls, nemzet, ideolgia  HYPERLINK "http://www.keletnyugati.hu/"www.keletnyugati.hu Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont - Dominiknus Hz (Pcs, Sznhz tr 2.) 2009. november 5., cstrtk 10.30-11.00 nneplyes megnyit A konferencit kszntik: Pcs vros nkormnyzata, a Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem, az Eurpa Kulturlis FQvrosa Pcs 2010 Menedzsment Kzpont kpviselQi 11.00-13.00 IN MEMORIAM JACQUES DERRIDA Elnk: Orbn Joln (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem) 11.00 Catherine M.J. Feidt (a Francia Kztrsasg tiszteletbeli konzulja): Az In memoriam Jacques Derrida program megnyitsa 11.15 Maurizio Ferraris (Torini Egyetem, Olaszorszg): Derrida ksrtetei A "spectre", a "spettro", a "ksrtet", ez a Derrida szmra kedves sz, mint tudjuk kt alapjelentssel br. Az elsQ szerint a "spectre" ksrtet, a hall utn visszatrQ szellem, a msodik jelents a fnyre, ebben az esetben egy gondolat kisugrzsra utal. "Derrida ksrteteirQl, szellemeirQl" beszlni valjban spektogrfia avagy sznkpanalzis (ksrtetanalzis), amely, miknt a sztrban olvashatjuk: "mindazoknak a technikknak az sszessge, amely a fnyek (a ksrtetek) gyrtsval s rgztsvel foglalkozik". Annak elkerlse rdekben, hogy ez a spektogrfia (ksrtetanalzis) ne menjen t fantazmagriba, biztos kiindulpontokat vlasztottam az elemzsem szmra: ezek a politika, az etika, a technika, a biogrfia, a fnytrs, vgl pedig a dekonstrukci jvQje. 12.00 Luigi Tassoni (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem): Derrida cselekmnyszvsei Konferencia elQadsom kiindulpontjt azok a kzelmltban megjelent munkk (Circonfession, Ulysse gramophone. Deux mots pour Joyce, Essz a nvrQl stb.) kpezik, amelyek kivl alapot nyjtanak a derridai narrci legfontosabb krdseinek rtelmezshez. Az emltett rsokat olyan korai szvegek tkrben kontextualizlom, amelyek csrjban mr magukban hordozzk az rett derridai filozfia legfontosabb alapelemeit (elsQsorban a Foucault-rl s Levi-Strauss-rl rt szvegek). ElQadsom sorn fontos szerepet kapnak a kvetkezQ szempontok: 1. a szvegben beszlQ hang, a narrci fQszereplQi, a gondolkod n, a fogalmaz n, az rs helyei; 2. a msik mint vitapartner, mint kzremqkdQ, mint korltoz s mint az n kivetlse; 3. nhny, a gondolat rtelmezst referensknt, referenciapontknt meghatroz trgy; 4. az rs s az olvass folyamatt szvegszinten egyarnt befolysol fordulatok. Munkmban kitntetett figyelmet szentelek Maurizio Ferraris Derrida-rtelmezseinek, gy az Introduzione a Derrida [Bevezets Derridhoz] valamint a Jackie Derrida; Ritratto a memoria [Jackie Derrida; Emlkkp]) cmq szvegeknek. 12.30-13.00 Vita 13.00-14.00 Nyitfogads a Kelet-nyugati tjr 2009 regisztrlt elQadi szmra 14.00-18.00 A KLNBZPSG S IDENTIFIKCI FILOZFIJA - VALLS, NEMZET, IDEOLGIA Elnk: Orbn Joln (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem) 14.00 Ugo Vlajsavljevic (Szarajevi Egyetem, Bosznia-Hercegovina): Az etnikai identits s a tlls kultrja A Bosznia-Hercegovinban lQ hrom etnikum, hrom klnbzQ, az extermincira s az asszimilcira tett vszzados ksrletekrQl szl trtnetet mesl llandan jra. A tipikus etnikai kzssg az emlkezetre-alapozott kzssg, amelyet a hbors trtnetek narratvi tartanak egybe. Olyan kzssg, amely a hbor s a bke idejn is egyarnt a tllsrt kzd. Ezt a kzssget trtneteiben egy kollektv szereplQ testesti meg, akinek a hbor ideje alatt csak alig sikerlt megmeneklnie a npirtstl, utlag pedig arra trekszik, hogy a rmisztQ mlt legelevenebb emlkeit megQrizve, az asszimilci ellen kzdjn az idegen uralom alatt. Ugyanakkor pedig felkszljn az jabb hborra. Teht a Balkn alvetett kis nemzetei szmra, egszen a modern felszabadt hbork korig, nem volt jelentQs a klnbsg a hbor s a bke kztt: a kulturlis asszimilci ppannyira fenyegetQ volt a szmukra mint a hbors exterminci. A loklis kzssg tipikus etnikai llama az eleven hbors emlkezet (memento belli) ltal felbujtott kvzi-militris mozgsts llama. 14.30 Losoncz Alpr (jvidki Egyetem, Szerbia SZTE): Hogyan lehetsges kzponttalantott kollektv azonossg? A nemzet s a vallsi azonossgok hordozi nmagukat hatrozzk meg klnfle trsadalmi gyakorlatok sorn. Meg kell ltnunk minden a priori nemzetmeghatrozs korltjt. A nemzet egyszerre van s egyszerre viseli magn az imperatvuszok jelenltt. A nemzet ugyanakkor folytonosan ltesl. Ezrt a minemqsg (quidditas) helyett, ma az a krds, hogy ki a nemzet, ki tartozik a nemzethez, s milyen mdon teszi lehetQv az azonosulst. s ha a nemzet processzulis valsghoz kerltnk, akkor le kell szgeznnk, hogy nem ll fenn a rgztett nemzeti identits, hanem csak folyamatos azonosuls ltezik. A lteslQ nemzet folytonos reprodukcit ignyel, s ez a tny vgtelen feladatot jell: az azonossg sohasem felel meg nnn eszmnynek. Clszerq szem elQtt tartanunk az elsQdleges (regionlis, csaldi, vallsi, nemi) s a msodlagos (nemzeti, polgri) azonossgok kztti klnbsgeket s tmeneteket. Szeretnk megmutatni nhny prhuzamot az individulis s a kollektv azonossg/szubjektivits kztt a globalizci s a transznacionalizci kzepette. Kiindulpontom, hogy mint ahogy az egyiket a decentralizci tvlatban lehet szemllni, gy a msikat is ugyanabba a perspektvba lehet helyezni. ElQadsomban azt szeretnm megvilgtani, hogy miknt lehetsges a decentralizlt kollektv szubjektivits (fordts mint kollektv gyakorlat stb.). 15.00 Boros Jnos (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem): Ltezik olyan, hogy kelet-eurpai demokrcia? ElQadsomban azt a tzist kvnom vdeni, hogy a demokrcia fogalma egyetemes, minden kultrra rvnyes, teht nem csak, hogy minden eurpai orszgra s npre, de az Eurpn kvli npekre is. Minden teoretikus hivatkozs s mentsg keresse arra, hogy egy adott orszgban vagy rgiban a demokrcia mqkdse kulturlis vagy trtnelmi okokbl hinyos, egyrszt az emberek intellektulis restsgnek igazolsa, msrszt a fennll demokrciaellenes uralmi s hatalmi viszonyok konzervlst segti elQ. Demokrcit ugyanazon elvek szerint kell s lehet mindentt ltrehozni. Az alapvetQ krds, hogy miknt lehet a demokrcit ltrehozni, s tnylegesen mqkdQv tenni. 15.30-16.00 Vita 16.00-16.20 Kvsznet 16.20 Csords Gbor (Jelenkor Kiad): Nyelv s identifikci a 16. szzadi Franciaorszgban A mai Franciaorszg terletnek lakossga a 16. szzadban igen jelentQs rszben ktnyelvq volt. A humanista rtelmisg s a hivatalviselQ nemessg (noblesse de robe) latinul nemcsak olvasott, hanem beszlt is; a francia kirlysg nyelve, a 'Franois' (kzpfrancia) ekkor mg az udvar s a politikai ambcikkal rendelkezQ nemessg nyelve volt; ezt a kt nyelvet szinte kivtel nlkl mindenki msodik nyelvknt sajttotta el, anyanyelvknt pedig a regionlis nyelvek, ill, nyelvjrsok (patois) szolgltak. A dli tartomnyokban (Provansz, Akvitnia, Languedoc) a kzpfrancia helyett a provanszl vagy okszitn nyelv szolglt kzvettQ nyelvknt. A korona a kzpfrancia nyelv ltalnoss ttelre trekedett az adminisztrciban s az igazsgszolgltatsban, ezt a Villers-Cotterts-i ediktum tette vglegess. Ahogy a kzpfrancia alsta a provanszl mint kzvettQ nyelv pozciit, gy nvekedett meg egyes dli nyelvjrsok  fQknt a gascon  jelentQsge. ElQadsomban  elsQsorban Michel de Montaigne pldjn  azt igyekszem bemutatni, milyen ideolgiai s egyb megfontolsok jtszottak szerepet ilyen krlmnyek kztt a nyelvvlasztsban kifejezQdQ identifikcis dntsek meghozatalban. 16.50 Bagi Zsolt (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem): A meghatrozs modelljei. Korszerqtlen megjegyzsek az identifikci filozfijnak problmjhoz Minden filozfia szksgszerqen elszmol az identifikci problmjval, kvetkezskppen minden filozfia identifikci-filozfia. Az, ami a klnbsget teszi nem az identifikci meglte vagy hinya, hanem annak modellje. A modernits filozfijnak nagy identifikcis modelljeit, a Trvny, a Kifejezs, a Fragmentum filozfijt a ksQi modernits elsQsorban a bennk foglalt autorits-fogalom miatt kritizlta. A ptlk, a hlzat, a konstellci filozfija a modernitsban olyan felems projektet ltott, amely sajt grett a meghatrozs nmeghatrozss vlst, az ember kilbalst nmaga okozta kiskorsgbl soha nem vltotta valra, mert mindig csak egy jabb szinten alapozta meg az autoritatv hierarchit. Ennek kikszblshez ezen filozfik a meghatrozs j modelljt vezettk be: a nem-hierarchikus meghatrozst. Csakhogy a modernitsban foglalt dialektika rvn a hierarchikus autorits megszqnsvel megjelentek a nem-hierarchikus autoritatv struktrk. Ennek kvetkezmnyeknt az olyan fogalmak, mint nemzet, ideolgia elvesztettk egykori jelentsket. Sajnlatos mdon egyltaln nem azrt, mert egykori autoritatv vonsaikat vesztettk volna el, hanem ppen ellenkezQleg: az nmeghatrozshoz fqzQdQ maradk erejk is elenyszett. Ltezik-e teht olyan modell, amely nem csak a hierarchikus autoritssal, hanem a nem-hierarchikussal is kpes szmolni? 17.10 Bogdn Joln (Goldsmiths, University of London, Nagy-Britannia): Az anya bizonytalan volta: Derrida s a genealgia dekonstrulsa Jacques Derrida Ki az anya?, Szlets, termszet, nemzet cmq szvegben az anya alakjn keresztl elemzi Freud  Megjegyzsek egy knyszerneurotikus esetrQl (A  Patknyember ) cmq rst. Freud az anyt az rzkelhetQ bizonyossgval azonostja az apval szemben, akinek az identitst csak az sz ltal lehet kikvetkeztetni. Az elQads az anyai bizonyossgnak a Derrida ltal mqvelt dekonstrukcijt kveti nyomon, s alkalmazza, egszen addig a pontig, ahonnan a bizonytalansg, az ambivalencia s a reprodukci az anyai ambivalencia mint politikai ambivalencia kontextusban rtelmezhetQ. Vajon az anya, mint politikai alany, ugyanazzal az ambivalencival s bizonytalansggal teltQdik-e a maga  nemzQ hatalma irnt, ugyanazzal az szre trtnQ hivatkozssal, mint a tansgtevQ apa a maga ktessgben? Mi trtnik az apa trvnyvel, ha az anyt krlvevQ rzkekre vonatkoz bizonytk annak a racionlis ktelynek kitett, amely mindig krlvette az apt? Mi trtnik, ha neki is a trvny elQtt kell tansgot tennie, bizonytania nazonossgt, mivel Q is, akr az apa, ktsges? Az anya alakjnak de-esszencializlsa a genealgia, a generci, s az eredet mtosznak jrartelmezst ignyli. Mi trtnik a nemzetllam, egy generci, az alap identitsnak bizonyossgval, amellyel szemben ltrehozza nmagt? s mi trtnik a forradalommal, egy olyan forradalommal, amely az rzkekrQl az szre, az anyrl az apra tereli a figyelmet? 17.30-18.00 Vita Urnia Mozi (Hungria t 19.) BALKN VILGZENEI FESZTIVL 19.30 Lszl Hortobgyi - Gayan Uttejak Orchestra (HU) 21.00 Sergent Garcia Acoustic (FR) BelpQ: napijegy 1.500 Ft, brlet (4 napra) 3.500 Ft JegyelQvtel: Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont Informcis Iroda (Szchenyi tr 1.) www.ticketportal.hu 2009. november 6., pntek Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont - Dominiknus Hz 09.00 A KULTURLIS EMLKEZET POTIKJA - VALLS, NEMZET, IRODALOM Elnk: Szollth Dvid (MTA Irodalomtudomnyi Intzet-Jelenkor) 09.00 Daaa Drndi (University of Rijeka, Horvtorszg): tlps: trvnysrts a nyelvben s az emlkezetben A nyelv s a hatalmon lvQk ltal megerQstett kzssgi emlkezet elfogadott (kijellt) erQdtmnyeinek intencionlis (nkntes), s egszen napjainkig sajnos mg mindig csak individulis lebontsa ltal egy  j embertpus jelenik meg, a barkcsol s hibrid ember, aki minden ltezQ kormny szmra elfogadhatatlan. A nemzetllamokban egyltaln nem szvesen ltott s nem kvnatos a radiklis diszkontinuits s a fragmentltsg. Az identits, s klnsen a nemzeti identits jelentQsgnek eszmje nem termszetesen, nem az emberi tapasztalat alapjn vlik nyilvnvalv: erQteljes fikciknt a modern ember  Lebenswelt -jbe kerl begyazsra. A modern llam ltal ltrehozott nemzeti identits megerQstsnek clja a felttel nlkli elktelezettsg elvrsa az ltala ellenQrztt alanyoktl. A nemzeti identits megerQstsnek stratgii kzl nmelyik a nyelv fltti kontroll s a cenzrzott kzssgi identits kiknyszertse ltal rvnyesl. Pontosan gy, ahogyan a nyelvet cenzrzzk, az emlkezetet kontrollljk s szentimentalizljk a nemzetllamokban, s a hatalmon levQk szmra a megcsonktott, megszqrt, behatrolt mlt minden ironikus megkzeltse nem kvnatos, sQt veszlyes, mivel kritikus llspontot felttelez. A nosztalgia, a kritikus vagy ironikus tvolsg nlkli visszaemlkezs alapvetQen konzervatv rzsbe fordul t, amely a priori vltozsellenes, ennl fogva ellene van a meghatrozott s megengedhetQ hatrokon val radiklis tlps s az ezektQl val eltvolods minden aspektusnak. 09.20 Vladislava Gordi Petkovi (University of Novi Sad, Szerbia): NQi rmevanglium: nQi Krisztus-alakok a szerbiai irodalomban Az elQads a kilencvenes vekben megjelenQ szerbiai nQi rsokban gyakran elQfordul nQi Krisztus alakokra (aka Messiana) sszpontost. Judita `algo s Mirjana Novakovi a cselekmnyszvsen s a szereplQkn keresztl egy lehetsges Herland-ot  egy nQi utpikus teret  mutatnak be, amint ez Charlotte Perkins Gilman szvegeiben krvonalazdik. Mindezek a szvegek a jszndk kldetsben eleve kudarcra tlt nQi Megvlt komor kpt adjk hozz Gilman elkpzelshez. 09.40 Medve A. Zoltn (Etvs Jzsef FQiskola, Baja): Identits, autobiografizmus, nosztalgia Dubravka Ugreai s Tolnai Ott mqveiben Az elQads a kortrs horvt s magyar irodalom kt kiemelkedQ szerzQjnek, Dubravka Ugreainek s Tolnai Ottnak a mqvein keresztl vizsglja a kulturlis s a szemlyes identits vltozsait/vltozatait s mqfaji ktQdseit. A hbors s az azt kvetQ idQszak Ugreai s Tolnai esszisztikus rsainak egyik kzponti magja. Ugreai, addigi szpri irnijt vltja fel az autobiografikus essz nosztalgikus mqfajval; az llandan az  nt r Tolnai  esszmagatartsba a hbor okozta vesztesgrzs szinte szrevtlen integrldik. Kulturlis identitsukat mindketten a volt Jugoszlviban vltk megtallni: a hbor utn Ugreai szemlyes s kulturlis identitst a politika determinlja, Tolnainl a kulturlis hovatartozs dnt a politikrl. Tolnai meg tudja Qrizni identitst a kultrban; Ugreai igyekszik megQrizni kultrjt az identitsban. 10.00 Radics Viktria (Zombor, Szerbia): A montenegri tvltozs Eurpa legifjabb kis llama, a Szerbitl klnvlt Crna Gora, vagyis Montenegr kulturlisan is meg kvnja alapozni nll, Eurpa-bart ltt, s ezt nem a nagy elbeszlsek feltltsvel, hanem azok dekonstrukcijval, a posztmodern llapot elfogadsval s energetizlsval teszi, legalbbis a szpirodalom, a mqvszetek s a trtnetrs, valamint a kultrpolitikai tendencik tansga szerint. ElQadsom ttekinti a montenegri szpirodalmi hagyomnyok dekonstrukcijt s a montenegri  irodalmi urbanits ltrejttt, a trtnetrsban bekvetkezett vltozsokat, s az j kultrpolitikai irnyelvekrQl s a kulturlis let vltozsairl, valamint a feminizmus (nQi irodalom) Crna Gora-i megjelensrQl is szl. 10.20-10.50 Vita 10.50-11.10 Kvsznet 11.10 Szab T. Levente (Babes-Bolyai Tudomnyegyetem, Kolozsvr, Romnia): Az sszehasonlt irodalomtudomny kelet-eurpai feltallsa s begyazottsga az 1870-es vekben: az Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum Az sszehasonlt irodalomtudomny univerzalista elbeszlsei a leggyakrabban Goethe nevhez ktik a diszciplna ltrejttt s kevsb figyelnek azokra a kzponti szerepet ritkbban betltQ, peremhelyzetben levQ irodalomtrtneti esemnyekre, megoldsokra, amelyek klnfle irodalmakban, nagyon eltrQ kulturlis krnyezetben, nhol meghkkentQ mdon vetettk fel a vilgirodalomnak s az irodalom modern komparatv megoldsainak a krdst. Az elQads azonban nem csupn egy ilyen jellegq krdsfelvetsnek, az 1870-es vekben Kolozsvrott indult sszehasonlt Irodalomtrtnelmi Lapoknak a rehabilitcijra vllalkozik, hanem rkrdez a lap begyazottsgra. A komparatv szemlletmd s a nemzeti irodalom korabeli rtelmezsei kztti vlasztvonalak ugyanis pp a lap begyazottsgval kapcsolatosak: azokkal az irodalomszemlleti ktQdsekkel, amelyek a korabeli tudomnyszemlletek, etnikum- s nemzetfelfogsok krnyezetben engedi rteni, hogy mirt pp ott, akkor s olyan rendhagy mdon jhetett ltre Kelet-Eurpban egy, az sszehasonlt irodalomtudomnyt megalapoz lap s egy ezzel sszefggQ germanisztikai egyetemi tanszk. 11.30 Szilgyi Zsfia (ELTE-Pannon Tudomnyegyetem): "Keleti sejt, mely Nyugaton l" - Mricz Zsigmond kelet s nyugat kzt Ady Endre 1911-es, Levl-fle Mricz Zsigmondhoz cmq versben, amellyel rtrst egy szimbolikus gesztussal belptette az irodalomba, a  Nyugat csapatnak keleti zszljaknt rt Mriczrl. A Szatmrbl Budapestre rkezett Mricz nemcsak szemlyes letben, de az irodalomtrtnetben is keletrQl nyugatra tart utat jrt be: a npies irodalom utnzjbl vlt az eurpai tjkozds Nyugat elismert szerzQjv, majd a hszas vek vgn egy idQre szerkesztQjv is. De lete vgn mr a Nyugat folyiratot is elhagyva visszatrt keletre, hiszen a Kelet Npe szerkesztQje, s az j npi irodalom fiatal szerzQi szmra a legfontosabb apafigura lett. A Kelet s a Nyugat keresztezQdsben ltezQ magyar irodalomrl szmos esszjben beszlt, pldul gy:  A magyar kltQ teht, midQn flemelkedik a mlykultrbl a magas kultrba: egy zsiai npkultrval teltett szellemi egynisget emel az eurpai irodalmi letbe. Kelet s Nyugat viszonylatt teht a Mricz-letmq esetben az irodalmi mqvek, az ri szerepek s feladatok, a vallson keresztl megteremtQdQ identits, vagy akr a kromkodshoz val ri viszony kontextusban is rtelmeznnk kell. 11.50 Mszros Sndor (Kalligram Knyv- s Lapkiad, Pozsony, Szlovkia, Budapest): Emlkezet, nemzet s a kortrs magyar prza ElQadsomban a kortrs magyar irodalom j jelensgei felQl prblom vizsglni az emlkezet szerept regnyirodalmunkban. Mg az tvenes-hatvanas vek przja a trtnelemhamists ellen vdekezett, s a korszak bornrt mltfelfogst az emlkezet folyton korriglja, visszapontostja. Mindez egyfajta tlfeszlt emlkezetet honost meg prznkban. A hetvenes vek j elbeszlQi ironikusan lebontjk ezt az emlkezQi magatartst s mltfelfogst, de mg mindig Qrzik az ellenlls ptoszt. A kilencvenes vek przjban indul meg az emlkezet felszabadtsa s az alternatv mltfelfogs kialaktsa. Nhny fontosabb kortrs regny elemzsvel szeretnm bemutatni, hogyan alakul az emlkezet  sztrsa irodalmunkban. 12.10 Mekis D. Jnos (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem): Kelet, kelet-nyugat. Utazs s megrts Krasznahorkai Lszlnl Krasznahorkai Lszl az lQ magyar irodalom legfontosabb, klfldn is ismert alkotinak egyike. Mqvszetben fontos szerepet jtszik az utazs,  Kelet-Nyugatrl  Keletre: Knba, Japnba, az eurpaibl a tvol-keleti mqvszet vilgba; mely egyben szellemi t is, s nla mindig egyet jelent az rssal. Az embereket, tereket, trgyakat, mqalkotsokat megrtQ, sajtos ritmus rs etikai s egzisztencilis jelentQsge nincs ellentmondsban a fikcialkots tevkenysgvel: Krasznahorkai kiutakat r a kulturlis s politikai felejtsbQl. 12.30-13.00 Vita 13.00-14.00 Ebdsznet 14.00-16.00 Kelet-nyugati Passzzsok  folyirat-tallkoz a Kalligram (Pozsony, Szlovkia), a Jelenkor (Pcs), az Echo (Pcs) s a DNS (jvidk, Szerbia) cmq folyiratok szerkesztQinek rszvtelvel A beszlgetst vezeti: Keresztesi Jzsef (Jelenkor Folyirat) Meghvott szerkesztQk: Beke Ott (DNS), Mszros Sndor (Kalligram), P. Mller Pter (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem, Echo), Samu Jnos Vilmos (DNS), Szilgyi Zsfia (Kalligram), Szollth Dvid (Jelenkor Folyirat) 16.00-18.00 Kelet-nyugati Passzzsok  Irodalmi Kvhz Hzigazda: Csords Gbor - kltQ, mqfordt, a Jelenkor Kiad igazgatja Meghvott kltQk, rk: Daaa Drndi (Fiume, Horvtorszg), Radoslav Petkovi (jvidk, Szerbia), Dragomn Gyrgy (Budapest), Szab T. Anna (Budapest), Horvth Viktor (Pcs) Kzelts Mqvszeti Egyeslet Mtys kirly utcai galrija - (Mtys kirly. u. 2.) 19.00 Killts megnyit A modernizmus archeolgija A killts hrom kpzQmqvsz munkit mutatja be, amelyek behatolnak a vros szvetbe s ott az ptett krnyezetet, a trgyi kultra jelenltt, a mestersges s a termszetes ellenttnek krdst vizsgljk. A killts egy trtnelmi felfedezQ s megQrzQ jtkra invitl bennnket, ahol a modern kor archeolgusai krnyezetnk j rtegeinek felfejtst ksrlik meg. Killt mqvszek: Ferenczy Zsolt, Roters Katharina, Shandor Hassan A killts kurtora: Srvri Zita A killts megtekinthetQ: 2009. december 4-ig. Urnia Mozi (Hungria t 19.) BALKN VILGZENEI FESZTIVL 19.00 Samaria Verses (SK) 20.30 Mostar Sevdah Reunion (BIH) 22.00 Balogh Klmn Gipsy Cimbalom Band (HU) BelpQ: napijegy 1.500 Ft, brlet (4 napra) 3.500 Ft JegyelQvtel: Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont Informcis Iroda (Szchenyi tr 1.) www.ticketportal.hu 2009. november 7., szombat Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont - Dominiknus Hz (Sznhz tr 2.) 09.00-11.00 A TRSADALMI EMLKEZET KULTURLIS POTIKJA VALLS, NEMZET, KULTRA. LOKLIS ELITEK MULTIKULTURLIS S INTERKULTURLIS VISZONYAI Elnk: Boros Jnos (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem) 09.00 Bicz Gbor (Miskolci Egyetem): Az elitkutats s a kritikai antropolgiai fordulat George Marcus az egyike az elsQ antropolgusoknak, aki a kritikai rdeklQds rszeknt az elitek kutatsval komolyan foglalkozott. Az elQads clja, hogy rviden bemutassa a trsadalmi elitek kutatsnak szempontjait, cljait s fQ tendenciit a 80-as vektQl napjainkig. Az ttekints sorn tisztzni kvnjuk a kritikai gondolkods rvnyeslst az elitek szerepnek s helynek rtelmezsben. A magyar trsadalomkutatsban alulreprezentlt tma s elmleteinek adaptlsa minden bizonnyal hasznos szempontokat nyjthat a hazai viszonyok elemzshez is. 09.20 Kovcs va Judit (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem): Ne nevess te mirajtunk!  A kzleti ember buksa ksQmodern falukzssgekben A cmben vlaszott 8. trvny  Jante trvnyeibQl a dn-norvg Aksel Sandermose 1933-os En flyktning krysser sitt spor (A Fugitive Crosses His Track) c. knyvbQl szrmazik, de adhattam volna a szintn dn Lars von Trier 2003-as filmjnek, a Dogville-nek is a cmt ennek az elQadsnak.  Jante trvnyeit a szociolgiai szakirodalom a trsadalmi normk mqkdshez hozza fel pldul  magam pedig ezen bell arra alkalmazom, hogy a trsadalmi rzelmek mikppen jrulnak hozz kzssgi tevkenysgekhez, cselekvsekhez. Helyi elitek ugyanis nem lteznek az Qket legitiml, az Qket termelQ kzssgek nlkl, melyeknek maguk is gy-gy tagjai. Azt az elemi szociolgiai problmt szeretnm krbejrni, hogy milyen kzssgi folyamatok termelik s tartjk fenn a loklis eliteket a mai magyarorszgi falvakban. Ezt az egy elQadst nyilvn bQven meghalad krdst a trsadalmi elitek s az  idegen kztti kapcsolat elemzsvel s nhny pldn val szemlltetsvel fogom felvetni, hogy a loklis elitek nevetsgesen trkenynek ltsz vza mgtti masszv normakontroll mg pillanthassunk. 09.40 Bogdn Mria (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem): Attitqd s elit  a magyarorszgi roma elit alakulsa a rendszervlts utn Az elit a trsadalom tbb szntern rtelmezhetQ fogalom, gy pldul beszlhetnk gazdasgi, politikai, tudomnyos vagy vallsi elitrQl, amelyek kultrnknt, orszgonknt is ms s ms rtelmet nyerhetnek. Klasszikus rtelmezsben mindenkppen valamilyen tlagon felli tudsszintet, gazdasgi- illetve trsadalmi pozcit jell. A huszonegyedik szzad felgyorsult kommunikcis korszaknak egyik trsdalomra gyakorolt hatsa, hogy fokozatosan jabb jelentsekkel ruhzza fel, s rtelmezi jra az elit fogalmt - e szempontbl taln nem tlzs hangslyos szerepet tulajdontani a populris mdinak. A tma kapcsn izgalmas s tanulsgos lehet megvizsglni a magyar trsadalom legnagyobb etnikai csoportjt, a romkat. A rendszervlts utni demokratizl trsadalomban hogyan nyert rtelmet, illetve rtelmezQdtt jra e trsadalmi csoport elit fogalma, s ez a magt a tbbsg tkrben rtelmezQ, s jrartelmezQ rteg milyen trsadalmi hatsok s kihvsok mentn s hogyan kezdte meg nmaga dekonstrukcijt. Olyan jelensgrQl beszlnk, ahol egyszerre trtnik meg tbb, elvileg egymst kvetQ trsadalmi talakuls. A roma elit alakulst ezen bell a mdia szempontjbl is rtelmezem  milyen szerepet jtszik s jtszhat a mdia a roma elit rtelmezsben, formldsban s rendszervlts utni szerepvllalsban? 10.00-10.0 Vita 10.30-11.00 Kvsznet 11.00-13.00 A TRTNELMI EMLKEZET KULTURLIS POLITIKJA VALLS, NEMZET, POLITIKA. SSZEHASONLT NEMZETI S KISEBBSGI KUTATS Elnk: Kovcs va Judit (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem) 11.00 Cs. Gyimesi va (Babes-Bolyai Tudomnyegyetem, Kolozsvr, Romnia): Szem a lncban Bevezets a szekusdosszik hermeneutikjba Mit is jelenthet ma az egykor oly svrogva vgyott szabadsg, a szemlyes emberi mltsg vagy az eszmnyi jogllam idelja a diktatra buksa utn magukra eszmlQ nemzedkek szmra? Azt itt kvetkezQ elemzs taln nem is lehet nagyravgybb, mint az emberi rabsg llapotaknt meghatrozhat trsadalmi viszonyrendszer (diktatra) egyik meghatroz  a titkosrendQrsg ltal uralt  rsznek feltrsa, amely a jelen helyzethez kpest viszonytsi alapul szolglhat, hogy rtkelni tudjuk a szabadsgot. E tnyek  az egyetlen szekusdosszi szvegei ltal feltrhat sszetett valsgkp ismeretben taln nvelni lehet, a mai romniai trsadalom tagjainak tudatos szabadsg-potenciljt, meglsnek a fogyasztson tlmutat ignyt, s alaktani a velejr egyni s kzssgi felelQssgtudatot. 11.30 Trzsk Erika (Eurpai sszehasonlt Kisebbsgkutatsok Kzalaptvny): Itt s mst  j tpus integrcis formk az Eurpai Uniban  Pontosan 360 ve annak, hogy a vestfaliai bkvel a kisebbsgi jogok a nemzetkzi rdeklQds kzppontjba kerltek, s hogy azokrl vitk indultak. A nemzetllami rendszer ltrejtte ta az egyes llamok kisebbsgi kzssgeinek helyzete gyakran kelti fel egy msik, tbbnyire szomszdos llam rdeklQdst. Az elmlt vtizedek alatt megfigyelhetQ nvekvQ globalizci rvn az llamok egyre inkbb multinacionliss vlnak, mg az etnokulturlis s politikai hatrok csak ritkn esnek egybe. (K. Volledaek EBESZ fQbiztos, 2008) EbbQl a tnybQl kvetkezQen bennnket  Kzp-Kelet-Eurpban lQket  azok a trsadalmi-gazdasgi folyamatok, melyek talaktjk az eurpai integrcis folyamatokban ezeket a trsgeket, nehz s vratlan kihvsok el lltanak. gy felmerl a krds, hogy az 1990-tQl indul integrcis folyamatok valban megteremtik-e, megteremthetik-e az llamszocializmusok buksa utn a varratmentes Eurpt (Seemless Europe)? Vajon 1990-t felfoghatjuk-e gy, mint ksrletet Eurpa hrom trtneti rgijnak: Nyugat-Kzp-Kelet-Eurpa integrcijra? Kzp-Kelet-Eurpban vajon az llami s nemzeti hatrok elklnlt volta eurpai keretek kztt olddik, vagy a nacionalizmusok, politikai hisztrik jabb jelensgei erQsdnek fel? 11.50 Stephan I. Teichgrber (Universitt Wien, Ausztria): Herta Mller  egy kelet-eurpai r Kelet-Eurpban nem csak a klnbzQ irodalmak, hanem a klnbzQ mdszerek termkeny interakcijnak eredmnyekppen, klnfle irodalomelmletek is lteznek. Herta Mller Bntbl rkezik, amelyet dli elhelyezkedse ellenre, Kzp-Eurphoz sorolnak. Harminchrom vesen kltzik (Nyugat-)Berlinbe, gy ezzel a kimozdulssal diagonlisan t kell szelnie Kzp-Eurpt. Az Q esete j plda arra, hogy hogyan lehet tlpni a kelet-eurpai irodalmak hatrait, nyelvi vagy kulturlis hatrait, hiszen a szovjet blokkbl nyugatra rkezni klnsen erQs szemiotikai vltst is jelent. Mit jelent a hatrokrl rni, amelyek mindkt oldalt mint mozgsban lvQ fordtst ttelezik? Mit jelent ez Herta Mller szmra, hogyan tud Q maga, s hogyan tudjk a szvegei a kelet-eurpai rk j olvasatt adni? A szvegek tipolgiailag klnbzQ perspektvkat foglalnak magukba, amelyeket a nagyon is klnbzQ kulturlis kontextusbl rkezQ olvask eltrQ mdon rtelmeznek. ElQadsomban fQleg Herta Mller szvegeire sszpontostok, s megprblok rmutatni arra, hogy miknt lehetne az Q megkzeltseit termkenny tenni klnsen a kortrs kzp-eurpai irodalom szmra. 12.10 Blazsetin Istvn (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem): Nemzeti kisebbsg(ek) irodalma a magyarorszgi horvtok pldja A magyarorszgi horvtok irodalma 1918-tl napjainkig sajtos krlmnyek kztt ltezett, ltezik. ltalnossgban elmondhat, hogy a magyarorszgi nemzeti kisebbsgek kzlete, kulturlis lete, irodalmi kzlete stb. nagymrtkben fggtt s ma is fgg az orszgban uralkod kisebbsgi politiktl. A viszonylag kis ltszm, radsul szrvnyban lQ magyarorszgi nemzeti kisebbsgek ltalban kptelenek nllan mqkdtetni pldul az irodalmi lethez szksges rendszereket. Irodalmi let hinyban (irodalmi folyirat, kritika, rendszeres kiadi tevkenysg, knyvterjeszts, r-olvas tallkozk, reklm stb.) a magyarorszgi horvt r nagyon egyedl rzi magt, fQ feladatnak ltalban az anyanyelv s a nemzeti tudat megQrzst tekinti. Ezrt a hagyomnyokra tmaszkodik, idegenkedik minden jtstl, mqveivel oktatni, mqvelni, felvilgostani akar. Az 1990-es vekben vgbement vltozsokat kvetQen nmileg vltozott a helyzet, de a mlt a mra is rnyomja blyegt. 12.30-13.00 Vita 13.00-15.00 Ebdsznet 15.00-21.00 A BALATON MINT KELET-NYUGATI TJR 1989 ELPTT - a Lettre s az Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny programja 15.00 A Balaton mint kelet-nyugati tjr 1989 nyarn Ulbert dm, videmqvsz filmjnek bemutatsa:  Romantika  A nagyszleim, a nmetek s a Balaton Mqhelyvita Slachta Kriszta Megfigyelt szabadsg s Deme Jnos Trabant de lux az Aranyparton tanulmnyairl ( Modernits Pcsi Doktoriskola, Lettre) Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont - Dominiknus Hz (Sznhz tr 2.) A Lettre s az Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny tovbbi programjai a Mqvszetek s Irodalom Hzban lesznek (Mqvszetek s Irodalom Hza (Szchenyi tr 7-8.) 18.00 Szentesi Csaba agitprop city dreams cmq killtsa Megnyitja: Szilgyi kos kltQ A killts megtekinthetQ: 2009. november 23-ig. 18.30 A Lettre irodalmi estje Kzremqkdik: Jnossy Lajos, Kiss Nomi, Nmeth Gbor, Szilgyi kos s a szerkesztQ, Kardi va 20.00 , a Balaton, rgi nyarakon - Vg Mihly (Balaton-egyttes) szlkoncertje Az 1989  Balaton az Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny projektje a Nemzeti Civil Alapprogram tmogatsval A rendezvnyek a Pcsi Kulturlis Kzponttal egyttmqkdsben valsulnak meg. Urnia Mozi BALKN VILGZENEI FESZTIVL 19.30 Baktai Anik - Midnight Band 21.00 Transition BelpQ: 600 Ft, brlet (4 napra) 3.500 Ft JegyelQvtel: Pcsi Kulturlis Kzpont Informcis Iroda (Szchenyi tr 1.) www.ticketportal.hu Szakmai partnerek: Sensus Kutatcsoport, Irodalomtudomnyi Doktori Iskola (Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem, Blcsszettudomnyi Kar, Modern Irodalomtrtneti s Irodalomelmleti Tanszk), Filozfiai Doktori Iskola (PTE BTK, Filozfia Tanszk), a Magyar Tudomnyos Akadmia Pcsi Terleti Bizottsgnak Irodalomelmleti Munkabizottsga (PAB, I. Nyelv- s Irodalomtudomnyok Szakbizottsg), Jelenkor Kiad, Jelenkor folyirat, Magyar Lettre Internationale, Echo Kritikai Szemle, Kalligram Folyirat, DNS Folyirat. EgyttmqkdQ partnerek: Pcsi Mqvszetek s Irodalom Hza, Meditor Egyeslet, Kzelts Mqvszeti Egyeslet EAST-WEST PASSAGE 2009 BALKAN WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL AND 3rd BALKAN GATEWAY INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE Cultural Difference and Identification Religion, Nation and Ideology November 4-7, 2009, PCS, Hungary (Europe) Pcs Cultural Center Sensus Advanced Studies (University of Pcs) This is the third time now that the gates to the Balkans will open in Pcs and offer the best opportunity to you to find the most interesting cultural and academic events of the year, to enjoy concerts, exhibitions and talks and to enrich your knowledge at the sessions of our interdisciplinary conference. Year after year, the East-West Passage aims to provide an ever-broadening perspective of the many-colored culture of the Balkans. The combination of the two main pillars that make up the events of the East-West Passage, the Balkan World Music Festival and the Balkan Gateway Interdisciplinary Conference, provides both enjoyment and information, ensuring that the Balkans is constructed in public awareness as a cultural, literary, philosophical, political and artistic space, a space for cultural osmosis and unbroken interaction among the various communities. This intercultural patchwork, a unique initiative from a European perspective, which is made up of concerts, contemporary art exhibitions and activities, lectures delivered at the conference, philosophical, literary and theoretical workshops and open dialogues between artists and intellectuals, can create an opportunity for an exceptional meeting, a long overdue forum for cultural and artistic discourse. The Capital of Culture is the capital of hospitality, democracy, justice, cosmopolitism and equal opportunities. The historical, social and religious differences between Pcs, Essen and Istanbul, the European Capitals of Culture in 2010, call upon us to reinvestigate these concepts and their political, poetic and cultural impact. The multidisciplinary and international conference Cultural Difference and Identification Religion, Nation and Ideology welcomes philosophers, literary critics, cultural critics, anthropologists, artists, poets and writers from East and West, North and South to discuss these topics, encouraging innovative trans-disciplinary dialogues and reinforcing the role of Pcs, the Borderless City of unconditional hospitality, as a passage between Europe and the Balkans, between North and South, between East and West. Dr. Joln Orbn and Kristf Fenyvesi University of Pcs Jyvskyl University Hungary Finland 4 November 2009 House of Arts and Literature (Szchenyi tr 7-8.) 18.00 Literary Studies Workshops Presentation of Nikoletta Hzass book entitled The Thought Locked Up in a Box Marcel Duchamp (Budapest, LHarmattan Publishing House, 2009) The analysis of the complex oeuvre of Marcel Duchamp requires an examination of the issue of linguistic expression and conceptuality. By highlighting this complex problem, Nikoletta Hzass book analyses Marcel Duchamps works from the early experiments through The Large Glass up to the ready-mades, also pointing out how in the life-work of Duchamp, who represents the new paradigm, the concepts of work, art and artist are re-interpreted. Nikoletta Hzas is aesthetician and critic, assistant professor at the Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Etvs Lornd University. Jzsef Havasrti (University of Pcs, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Communication and Media Studies) and Zsolt Bagi (University of Pcs, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy) will converse with the author. Joint program of the Pcs Cultural Center, the Linguistics and Literary Studies Section I of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Pcs, and the House of Arts and Literature. 19.00 Exhibition Anno 1968 The exhibition Anno 1968 pres   h k E F lU:5h:dhZCJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH 9h:dhZB*CJH*aJfHmH phq sH 6h:dhZB*CJaJfHmH phq sH %h:dhZB*CJaJmH phsH h:dhZ0JmH sH #jh:dhZUmH sH h:dhZmH sH jh:dhZUmH sH h:dhZCJaJmH sH 46px h i j k   E F %v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:$a$ $-DM a$2 %v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:$a$ n :f%h%^&`&%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:%v:$da$$a$ $-DM a$$a$ f%h%Z&^&`&d&&&跔qT4T?h:dhZ5CJPJ\^J_HaJfHmH q sH 9h:dhZCJPJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH Eh:dhZ56CJPJ\]^J_HaJfHmH q sH Eh:dhZ56CJPJ\]^J_HaJfHmH q sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH 3h:dhZ5CJ\aJfHmH q sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH  &'''((b)n)*++L-b-../1112345B7߫ssYsDsDDsD(h:dhZCJPJaJmH nHsH tH3h:dhZ6CJ]aJfHmH q sH h:dhZCJaJmH sH 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Today, the former members of the class of 1968 are key personalities of contemporary Hungarian and international fine arts. The exhibition will be opened by Jlia Fabnyi, director of the Museums of Baranya County and Andrs Kisfaludy, film director and founding member of the former pop band Kex. Curator: Xavr Lszl Horvth Joinly organized with the Pcs Cultural Center Cinema Urnia (Hungria t 19.) BALKAN WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL 19.00 Dutar Ensemble (HU) 21.00 Boban & Marko Markovic Orkestar (SRB) Tickets: daily: HUF 1,500, for 4 days: HUF 3,500 Tickets and information: Pcs Cultural Center, Information Office, 1 Szchenyi Square  HYPERLINK "http://www.ticketportal.hu/"www.ticketportal.hu 5 November 2009 Dominiknus House (Sznhz tr 2.) 10.30-11.00 Opening ceremony Welcoming address by: Pcs City Council, University of Pcs, representatives of the Pcs 2010 Management Center, the European Capital of Culture Program 11.00-13.00 IN MEMORIAM JACQUES DERRIDA Chair: Joln Orbn (University of Pcs) 11.00 Catherine M. J. Feidt (Honorary Consul for France to Hungary): Opening speech: In Memoriam Jacques Derrida 11.15 Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin, Italy): Spettri di Derrida - Specters of Derrida The word  specter , so dear to Derrida, as we know has two different meanings. The first one is a phantom, a haunting image coming back after death. The second one refers to light, in this case, to the radiation of thoughts. Speaking about Derrida s specters means doing spectroscopy (spectral analysis) or specter analysis, which is, as the vocabulary says, the combination of all the techniques that are used to produce and capture light (specters). In order to avoid turning spectroscopy (specter analysis) into phantasmagoria, I chose some fix points for my analysis: politics, ethics, technology, biography, refraction of light, and finally, the future of deconstruction. 12.00 Luigi Tassoni (University of Pcs): Intrecci di Derrida  Derrida's Plots In my paper I will focus on some recently published texts of Derrida, such as Circonfession, Ulysses Gramophone: Hear say yes in Joyce, Two words for Joyce, On the Name, etc., which provide a good basis for interpreting the most important issues in Derridean narration. I will interpret these texts in the context of Derrida s early writings (about Foucault and Levi-Strauss), showing that the most important elements of the late Derrida s philosophy are already present in these texts. In the presentation I will investigate the following questions: 1. the narrative voice, the narrated voice, the main figures of narration, the thinking subject, the places of writing; 2. the other as interlocutor, as contributor, as a restrictive agent and as the projection of the narrative self; 3. some objects defining thoughts as referents, reference points; 4. rhetorical turns affecting the process of writing and reading. I will devote special attention to the Derrida interpretations of the Italian philosopher Maurizio Ferraris (cf. Introduzione a Derrida [Introduction to Derrida]; Jackie Derrida; Ritratto a memoria [Jackie Derrida; Memories]). 12.30-13.00 Discussion 13.00-14.00 EAST-WEST PASSAGE 2009 OPENING RECEPTION For the registered participants of the conference. 14.00-18.00 THE PHILOSOPHY OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND IDENTIFICATIONS  RELIGION, NATION AND IDEOLOGY Chair: Joln Orbn (University of Pcs) 14.00 Ugo Vlajsavljevic (Sarajevo University, BIH): Ethnic Identity and the Culture of Survival The existence of three ethnic groups in B&H implies that three separate, incongruent stories about centuries-long attempts of their extermination and assimilation are being constantly retold. A typical local ethnic community is a memory-based community kept together by a narrative of war stories. It is a community that fights for its survival in times of war as well as in times of peace. This community appears as a collective actor who narrowly escaped extermination during the war and who afterwards strives to preserve his most vivid memory of the horrible past in order to fight against assimilation under foreign rule and at the same time to remain prepared for a new war. So, until the age of modern liberating wars, there was not much difference between war and peace for the subjugated small nations of the Balkans: cultural assimilation was as threatening to them as extermination in a war. The typical ethnic state of a local community is a state of quasi-military mobilization prompted by vivid memories of the past war (memento belli). 14.30 Alpr Losoncz (University of Novi Sad -University of Szeged): How is decentralized collective subjectivity possible? The bearers of national and religious identities determine themselves in the contexts of social practices. There is a limit to every a priori definition of collective subjectivities. For example, a nation exists and bears the burden of imperativity at the same time. Moreover, the nation as the crucial example of collective subjectivity gradually comes into existence through a process. The central question is no longer what a nation is. Therefore, the decisive issue is who constitutes collective subjectivity, who belongs to it and in what way collective subjectivity makes identification possible. Actually we are talking about a process-like reality of collective subjectivity; there is no fixed national identity, only identification. In fact, identities do not square with their ideals. It is important to take into account the differences and transitions between primary (regional, etc.) and secondary identities. My purpose is to show certain parallels between individual and collective subjectivity in the context of globalization and transnationalisation. The starting point is the perspective of decentralizing subjectivity. I think that we should interpret what is happening here at the level of collective subjectivities as an attempt to solve a tension we are already familiar with from the analysis of individual subjectivities. I would like to shed light on the conditions of decentralized subjectivities (for example, translation as a collective practice etc.). 15.00 Jnos Boros (University of Pcs): Is there such thing as Eastern European Democracy? In my lecture I argue for the thesis that the concept of democracy is universal; it is valid for every culture, not only for European nations, but for all nations in the world. All theoretical hints or excuses for non-democratic practices which refer to cultural or historical causes support the intellectual laziness and conserve the dominant counter-democratic forces. Democracy can be founded on the same principles everywhere in the world. The fundamental question is how it is possible to create a democracy that functions in a really democratic way. 15.30 Discussion 16.00-16.20 Coffee break 16.20 Gbor Csords (Jelenkor Publishing House): Language and Identification in Sixteenth Century France The nobility (noblesse de robe) could both read and speak in Latin; at that time  Francien (middle French), was the language of the French royalty, the court and the nobility with high political ambitions. Whereas these two languages were acquired by everyone as a second language nearly without exception, the regional languages or dialects (patois) served as a mother tongue. In the southern provinces (Provence, Aquitaine, Languedoc) middle French was replaced by Provencal or Occitan as an intermediary language. In the sixteenth century the population of present-day France was predominantly bilingual. The crown, the humanist intelligentsia and officials endeavored to make middle French the official language in administration and jurisdiction, which was finally achieved by the Edict of Villers-Cotterets. The significance of certain southern dialects mainly of Gascon increased in proportion undermined the position of Provencal as an intermediary language. In my presentation I wish to demonstrate  through the example of Michel de Montaigne  the role of ideological and other considerations in identity-based decision-making as expressed in the choice of language under such circumstances. 16.50 Zsolt Bagi (University of Pcs): Untimely remarks on the problem of the philosophy of identification Every philosophy has to do something with the problem of identification; thus every philosophy is identification-philosophy. What makes the difference is not the existence or non-existence of identification but its model. The great models of identification in the philosophy of modernity (the philosophy of Law, Expression and that of Fragment) were criticized by late modernity because of their implicit conception of authority. The philosophy of supplement, network and constellation saw a half-executed project in modernity that could not fulfill its own promise (that of changing determination into self-determination, the growing up of mankind from the childhood it imposed on itself), it always established authority at a new level. In their quest to correct this problem they have created a new model of determination: that of the non-hierarchical determination. Nevertheless, the dialectics of the enlightenment produced a new form of authority, a no-hierarchical one. As a result, terms like nation and ideology have lost their original meaning because, sadly enough, their remaining power for self-determination have vanished, and not because they have lost their original authoritative features. Is there a model that can account not only for hierarchical but for non-hierarchical authority as well? 17.10 Joln Bogdn (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK): The uncertainty of the mother: Derrida and the deconstruction of genealogy Jacques Derrida's text Who is the mother? Birth, nature, nation, discusses Freud's "Notes on a Case of Obsessional Neurosis", through an analysis of the figure of the mother, who Freud associates with the certainty of the senses, over and against the father, who's identity can only be deduced through reason. This paper traces Derrida's deconstruction of maternal certainty, and applies it through to the point from which uncertainty, ambivalence, and reproduction can be discussed in the context of maternal ambivalence as political ambivalence. Is the mother, as political subject, saturated with the same ambivalence and uncertainty toward her "generative power", with a similar claim to reason, as is the witnessing father in all his precariousness? What happens to the law of the father if the sensory proof surrounding the mother becomes exposed to the rational doubt that has always surrounded the father? What if she must also bear witness, to testify to her identity before the law, because she, like the father, is equally in doubt? The task of de-essentializing the figure of the mother requires a reconsideration of genealogy and generation, as well as a myth of origin. What of the certainty of the identity of the nation-state, the identity of a generation, and of the ground against which it generates itself? And what of revolution, such as the one which turned from the senses to reason, from the mother to the father? 17.30-18.00 Discussion Cinema Urnia (Hungria t 19.) BALKAN WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL 19.30 Lszl Hortobgyi - Gayan Uttejak Orchestra (HU) 21.00 Sergent Garcia Acoustic (FR) Tickets: daily: HUF 1,500, for 4 days: HUF 3,500 Tickets and information: Pcs Cultural Center, Information Office, 1 Szchenyi Square  HYPERLINK "http://www.ticketportal.hu/"www.ticketportal.hu 6 November 2009 Dominiknus House (Sznhz tr 2.) 09.00 THE POETICS OF CULTURAL MEMORIES  RELIGION, NATION AND LITERATURE Chair: Dvid Szollth (Institute for Literary Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences  Jelenkor) 09.00 Daaa Drndi (University of Rijeka): Crossing over: Trespassing in Language and Memory By the intentional (voluntary) and up to this day unfortunately still individual breaking down of established (imposed) fortifications of language and collective memory reinforced by those in power, there emerges a  new human species , a bastard and hybrid one, unacceptable for all existing governments. Radical discontinuity, the living of fragmented lives is especially unwelcome and undesirable in national states. The idea of the importance of identity, especially of the importance of national identity does not emerge naturally, from human experience: it is forcibly embedded into the  Lebenswelt of modern man and all the more as a fiction. The aim of strengthening such a national identity, carried out by modern states, is that of creating unconditional commitment of its subjects over whom it then has and maintains control. Some of the strategies of strengthening national identities are accomplished through the control of language and by imposing a censored collective memory. Just as in national states language is censored, memory is controlled and sentimentalized, and every ironic approach to a mutilated, filtrated and restricted past becomes unwelcome and even dangerous for those in power, because it is critical. Nostalgia, remembering with no critical, ironic distance, turns into a fundamentally conservative emotion a priori against change, therefore against every aspect of a more radical crossing-over, of moving away from determined and permissible boundaries. 09.20 Vladislava Gordi Petkovi (University of Novi Sad, Serbia): A Gothic Female Gospel: Female Christ Figures in Serbian Fiction The paper focuses on the recurring figure of female Christ (aka Messiana) in the Serbian women s writing of the 1990 s. Judita `algo and Mirjana Novakovi use their respective plots and characters in order to present a possible Herland  an all-female Utopian place  once designed in the writing of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. What they add to Gilman s vision is the somber image of a female Savior, doomed to fail in her mission of good will. 09.40 Zoltn A. Medve (Etvs Jzsef College, Baja): Identity, autobiographism and nostalgia in the works of Dubravka Ugreai and Ott Tolnai The presentation will discuss the changes, variations and literary genres of cultural and personal identity in the works of Dubravka Ugreai and Ott Tolnai. The Balkan War and the post war period take a central position in the essays of these two authors from Croatia and Hungary. The irony of the prose of Ugreai turned into a nostalgic autobiography in 1991, while the losses caused by the war became part of Tolnai s essay-like texts: both of them thought they had found their cultural identity in the former Yugoslavia. After the war politics exerted a crucial influence on the personal and cultural identity of Ugreai, whereas in Tolnai s case his cultural identity had always been removed from politics. Tolnai was able to maintain his identity in culture, while Ugreai was striving to maintain culture in her identity. 10.00 Viktria Radics (Sombor, Serbia): The Transformation of Montenegro After separation from Serbia, the youngest small state of Europe, Crna Gora, that is Montenegro, wants to establish its independent, Europe-friendly existence not by merely refilling the  grand narratives , but rather by means of their deconstruction, the acceptance and energizing of the  postmodern condition , at least as it is testified by its belles-letters, arts, historiography and the tendencies in cultural policy. In my paper I am going to give an overview of the deconstruction of Montenegrin literary traditions and the emergence of Montenegrin  literary urbanity , the changes having occurred in historiography, the new political-cultural guidelines and transformation of cultural life, as well as of the appearance of feminism (female literature) in Crna Gora. 10.20-10.50 Discussion 10.50-11.20 Coffee break 11.10 Levente T. Szab (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania): Establishing comparative literary studies in the 1870s: the Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum The idea of world literature, and that of comparative literary studies, is usually attributed to J. W. Goethe, and therefore, to a series of developments in historical German culture. Even though the institutionalization and a strong reinterpretation of this kind of literary studies are due to the Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum established in Cluj, the magazine and its ideas are mentioned only superficially in international histories of the discipline, suggesting that the magazine and the beginnings of comparative literary history in Cluj are interesting only as philological data and historical curiosities. My paper proposes not only a rehabilitation of the first international journal in comparative literary studies, but also a thorough interpretation of the vision on Europe that stood at the basis of university-level ground-breaking comparative literary studies. In 1872 Hugo von Meltzl, a Transylvanian scholar educated in Heidelberg, Leipzig and Budapest, was appointed professor of German studies at the University of Cluj. Instead of following the canonic line of German literary and linguistic studies, he began delivering lectures on what he termed  vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft / sszehasonlt irodalomtrtnelem (comparative literary history). Based on these the Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum/ Zeitschrift fr vergleichende Literaturgeschichte was published between 1876 and 1888 in fifteen languages and succeeded in attracting some of the most important literary scholars, translators, historians and anthropologists of the time. My presentation proposes both a rehabilitation and a recapturing of this major literary and historical journal, and at the same time a reinterpretation of the traditions it represented in the history of the idea of  Europeanness . 11.30 Zsfia Szilgyi (Etvs Lornd University-Pannon University):  Oriental cell living in the West (Zsigmond Mricz between East and West) With his poem entitled A Sort of Letter to Zsigmond Mricz, published in 1911, Endre Ady entered Mricz into modern literature in a symbolic way  in this poem Mricz is defined as the  oriental flag of the Western team (West in this poem also means the literary journal Nyugat). Mricz, who was born in Eastern Hungary, traveled a route from the East to the West (from Szatmr County to Budapest) not only in his personal life but in literary history too. First he was an imitator of folk literature of the 19th century, and then became one of the most significant authors of the modern prose and the journal with a European spirit, Nyugat (West). From 1929 to 1933 he was also one of the editors of the journal. At the end of his life he returned to the East; he became the editor of the literary journal People of the East and the symbolic father to the young writers of the new folk literary prose. He wrote several essays on Hungarian literature created at the crossroads between East and West. In one of them he wrote like this:  When a Hungarian poet arises from deep culture into high culture, he raises an intellectual character saturated with Asian folk culture and identity to European literary life. In Zsigmond Mricz s case the relationship between East and West should also be analysed in the context of his life, literary works, essays, his own personal and literary identity created through his religion, or even in the context of his literary attitude to cursing. 11.50 Sndor Mszros (Kalligram Publishing House and Journal, Bratislava, Slovakia -- Budapest): Memory, Nation and Contemporary Hungarian Prose In my presentation I will examine the role of memory in contemporary novels with regard to some new phenomena in contemporary Hungarian literature. The 1950s and 60s were characterized by prose and literature trying to defend and posit itself against the falsification of history, exhibiting a constant correction of the narrow-minded perceptions and conceptions of the past (a sort of  re-refinement ) by memory. This has resulted in a kind of  overstrained memory in Hungarian literature. New narratives of the 70s break down these attitudes of memory and the conceptualization of the past in an ironic style, but still retain the pathos of resistance. The prose of the 90s saw the  liberation of memory and the development of a new, alternative conceptualization of the past. By analyzing several important contemporary novels I would like to show how the processes of  dispersive writing of memory shape in our literature. 12.10 Jnos D. Mekis (University of Pcs): East and East-West. Traveling and understanding in Lszl Krasznahorkai s oeuvre Lszl Krasznahorkai is by all means one of the most influential Hungarian writers also known in the international scene. Being not only an  author but a writer in an ethical and existential sense and way, his understanding means engagement to map, name, and publicly recall the areas, people, things, artifacts he has seen and met during his actual and intellectual journeys from East-West to East, from Hungary to China and Japan, from European to Far-Eastern art, and more. His prose fiction with a significant rhythm of long sentences is absolutely suitable to constitute tours in a broader sense; these travels from East-West to East are always against oblivion as cultural forgetfulness and political repression. 12.30-13.00 Discussion 13.00-14.00 Lunch break 14.00-16.00 East-West Passages I - Presentation of the special issues of the journals Kalligram (Bratislava, Slovakia), Jelenkor (Pcs) , DNS (Novi Sad, Serbia) and ECHO (Pcs) Moderator: Jzsef Keresztesi (Jelenkor) The issues are presented by Ott Beke and Samu Jnos Vilmos (DNS), Sndor Mszros and Zsfia Szilgyi (Kalligram), P. Mller Pter (University of Pcs, Echo), Dvid Szollth (Jelenkor) 16.00-18.00 East-West Passages II. - Literary Coffee-House  Performing literature at the Gateway to the Balkans Host: Gbor Csords, poet, translator and director of Jelenkor Publishing House Invited writers: Daaa Drndi (Rijeka, Croatia), Radoslav Petkovi (Novi Sad, Serbia), Gyrgy Dragomn (Budapest, Hungary), Viktor Horvth (Pcs, Hungary), Anna T. Szab (Budapest, Hungary) Approach Art Association (Mtys kirly u. 2.) 19.00 Opening of exhibition The Archaeology of Modernism November 7- December 4, 2009 The city is a marvelous achievement of modernism, adored and praised. It is a document because it bears history in its architecture. Numerous artists works deal with the critique of the belief in utopia, modern forms of life and cityscapes; many exhibitions question the utopia of modern urbanization. Our exhibition has been inspired by a similar theme. The works of three artists are on display, which penetrate into the texture of the city by scrutinizing the environment constructed in it as well as the presence of material culture and the issue of the contrast between the artificial and the natural. The exhibition invites us to participate in a game based on discovery and preservation, where the archaeologists of the modern era attempt to excavate new strata of our environment. Exhibiting artists: Zsolt Ferenczy, Katharina Roters, Hassan Shandor. Curator: Zita Srvri Cinema Urnia (Hungria t 19.) BALKAN WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL 19.00 Samaria Verses (SK) 20.30 Mostar Sevdah Reunion (BIH) 22.00 Balogh Klmn Gipsy Cimbalom Band (HU) Tickets: daily: HUF 1,500, for 4 days: HUF 3,500 Tickets and information: Pcs Cultural Center, Information Office, 1 Szchenyi Square  HYPERLINK "http://www.ticketportal.hu/"www.ticketportal.hu 7 November 2009 Dominiknus House (Sznhz tr 2.) 09.00-11.00 THE CULTURAL POETICS OF SOCIAL MEMORIES  RELIGION, NATION AND POLITICS LOCAL ELITES IN MULTICULTURAL AND INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT Chair: Jnos Boros (University of Pcs) 09.00 Gbor Bicz (Miskolc University): Elites and the critical turn in anthropology George Marcus is one of the first anthropologists who conducted serious research on elites from critical anthropological viewpoint. The main goal of this lecture is to give a survey of the research on social elites, its objectives and major tendencies from the eighties up to the present. Through this review we wish to clarify how effective critical thinking is in the interpretation of the roles of elites. However, this topic, which is quite underrepresented in Hungarian social studies, and the adaptation of its theories may also provide some useful insight for the analysis of Hungarian conditions too. 09.20 va Judit Kovcs (University of Pcs): Don't Laugh At Us!  The Fall of Public Man in the Village Communities of Late Modernity The title of my presentation comes from the eighth Law of Jante (Janteloven) in the book by the Danish-Norwegian writer, Aksel Sandermose, En flyktning krysser sitt spor (A Fugitive Crosses His Track, 1933). I could also have chosen Dogville, the film by Lars von Trier (2003), as my title. Jante Law is frequently quoted when sociologists analyze social norms. According to them, Janteloven reflects the functions of social norms in communities in a precise manner. But how do social emotions, as part of those norms,result in communal action? Local elites do not exist without communities that produce and legitimate them; communities to which they also belong. My presentation focuses on the following question: what kinds of communal action produce and reproduce the local elites in Hungarian villages today? More exactly, I will discuss a specific relationship betweenlocal elites and the strangers with the help of short case studies. They will reveal a massive control of normsin the shadowofthe seemingly fragile structures oflocal elites. 09.40 Mria Bogdn (University of Pcs): Constructing elite identities: the Roma after the democratic changes in Hungary Elite can be identified in many ways in a society  for example, we can talk about economic, academic or religious elite. The concept of elite may differ in different cultures or countries. According to its classical definition, elite always means a certain level of knowledge or social or economic position that is above the average. The 21st century began a new age in the field of communication. Dynamics and methods have changed, which resulted in accelerated communication systems. This process has a significant effect on the society and influences our concept of elite. Perhaps we do not go too far by saying that popular media has a key role in this process. I will examine this process in connection with the Roma, the largest ethnic group of the Hungarian society. This approach might be useful for a better understanding of this group. After the democratic changes in Hungary the Roma started to redefine themselves and find a new concept for their own elite. It is very important to see that several, normally successive social changes take place concurrently within this group. What are the challenges and social effects which made the elite of Roma to begin their own deconstruction? In my presentation I will try to focus on the media as well  its role and influence in the identification process of the Roma elite in Hungary. 10.00-10.30 Discussion 10.30-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-13.00 THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF HISTORICAL MEMORIES  RELIGION, NATION AND POLITICS - COMPARATIVE NATIONAL AND MINORITY STUDIES Chair: va Judit Kovcs (University of Pcs) 11.00 va Cs. Gyimesi (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania): Link in the Chain  Introduction to the Hermeneutics of Securitate Dossiers What does the once longed-for freedom, the personal human dignity or the ideal of the constitutional state mean to the generations coming to themselves after the fall of the dictatorship? The objective of the forthcoming analysis cannot but aspire to explore only a significant part of the system of social relations (dictatorship)--dominated by the secret police--that can be defined as a condition of human captivity which may serve as a frame of reference enabling us to appreciate freedom. Knowledge of these facts  the complex picture of reality to be explored in the texts of the only Securitate dossier  may contribute to increasing the conscious freedom-potential of the members of contemporary Romanian society, the need for experiencing it in a way which points beyond consumption and to shaping the concomitant individual and communal responsibility. 11.30 Erika Trzsk (President of EKIK, Public Foundation of Comparative Research on European National and Ethnic Minorities): Something Different Here - New Types of Integration in the European Union Precisely 360 years have passed since minority rights became the center of international attention and the subject of debates as a result of the Peace of Westphalia. Since the emergence of the system of nation-states the situation of the minority communities of the individual nation-states has often aroused the interest of another, mostly neighboring state. During the past few decades it has been noted that due to globalization the states are becoming increasingly multinational, while the ethno-cultural and political boundaries rarely coincide (Knut Vollebaek, High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE). Consequently, we  living in Central-Eastern Europe  have a stake in those socio-economic processes which transform these regions in the course of integration and make us face difficult and abrupt challenges. The question emerges whether the integration processes launched in 1990 will really establish a seamless Europe in the wake of the fall of state socialisms. Furthermore, one may wonder whether these processes may be interpreted as an experiment with integrating the three historical regions (Western-, Central- and Eastern-Europe). Is it possible that the separate existence of state and national boundaries will be deleted within the European framework, or the new phenomenon of nationalistic political hysterias will strengthen instead? 11.50 Stephan I. Teichgrber (Universitt Wien, Ausztria): Herta Mller - a writer from Central Europe As a result of the fruitful interaction of different methodologies, there are not only different literatures but also various literary theories in Central Europe. Herta Muller comes from Bnt, a region usually classified as part of Central Europe despite its southern location. At thirty-three she moves to (West) Berlin, so by this move she has to cut across Central Europe diagonally. Her example provides a good example as to how boundaries in Central European literature, for instance linguistic or cultural boundaries can be crossed, since moving from the Soviet Bloc to the West is a particularly serious semiotic shift. Now, what does it mean for somebody to be writing right on the borders which look at both sides like a translation in motion? What does that mean to Herta Mller and how can she and her texts provide a new reading of Central European writers? The texts contain typologically different perspectives, which are interpreted by readers coming from very different cultural contexts in different ways. I am going to focus mainly on text by the author Herta Mller and attempt to show how her approach could be made fruitful for the literatures of Central Europe, especially for contemporary literature. 12.10 Istvn Blazsetin (University of Pcs): The Literature of National and Ethnic Minority/ies  Example of Croatians Living in Hungary The literature of Croatians living in Hungary has existed under peculiar circumstances since 1918. In general it can be said that the public life, culture and literary presence of the national minorities in Hungary has greatly depended and still depends on the dominant minority policy of the country. The national minorities small in number, living, in addition, in Diaspora, are unable to operate systems needed e.g. for becoming part of the literary life. In absence of literary life (literary journals, criticism, regular publishing activity, distribution of books, meeting of readers with writers, publicity etc.) the Croatian writer in Hungary feels rather lonely and assumes that his main task is the preservation of his mother tongue and national consciousness. As a result, he relies on traditions and has an aversion for any innovation. He wants to teach, educate and enlighten people with his works. Following the changes having occurred in the 1990s the situation is somewhat different, but the past has left its stamp on the present. 12.30-13.00 Discussion 13.00-15.00 Lunch break 15.00-21.00 THE LAKE BALATON AS AN EAST-WEST PASSAGE BEFORE 1989  program organized by Lettre and the European Culture Foundation 15.00 Romanticism  my grandparents, the Germans and the Lake Balaton Movie by dm Ulbert, video artist Discussion of the papers Observed freedom by Kriszta Slachta and Trabant de luxe on the Golden Beach by Jnos Deme ( Modernity Doctoral School of Pcs, Lettre) Jointly organized with the Pcs Cultural Center Dominiknus House (Sznhz tr 2.) The following programs organized by Lettre and the European Culture Foundation will take place in the House of Arts and Literature (Szchenyi tr 7-8.) 18.00 Agitprop city dreams - exhibition by Csaba Szentesi Curator of the exhibition: kos Szilgyi Opening by: kos Szilgyi, poet The exhibition can be visited until 23rd of November. 18.00 Literary evening organized by Lettre Participants: Lajos Jnossy, Nomi Kiss, Gbor Nmeth, kos Szilgyi and the editor, va Kardi 20.00  Oh, Balaton, those old summers  solo concert by Mihly Vg's (Balaton Band) Jointly organized with the Pcs Cultural Center Cinema Urnia (Hungria t 19.) BALKAN WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL 19.30 Baktai Anik - Midnight Band 21.00 Transition Tickets: daily: HUF 600, for 4 days: HUF 3,500 Tickets and information: Pcs Cultural Center, Information Office, 1 Szchenyi Square  HYPERLINK "http://www.ticketportal.hu/"www.ticketportal.hu Organized by: Pcs Cultural Center and Sensus Advanced Studies (University of Pcs) Participating partners: House of Arts and Literature, Pcs, Meditor Asscoiation, Kzelts Artistic Association Professional partners: Sensus-Advanced Studies (University of Pcs), Doctoral School of Literary Studies (University of Pcs, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Modern Literary History and Literary Theory), Doctoral School of Philosophy (University of Pcs Faculty of Humanities, Dept. Of Philosophy), Linguistics and Literary Studies Section I of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Pcs, Jelenkor Publishing House, Jelenkor Journal, Magyar Lettre Internationale, Echo Critical Review, KalligramJournal, DNSJournal. bdf BƚԚ$˼{a{a{a{a{Fa{5h:dhZCJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH 3h:dhZ5CJ\aJfHmH q sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH h:dhM0JmH sH #jRh:dhMUmH sH h:dhMmH sH jh:dhMUmH sH >h:dhMB*CJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH (h:dhnCJPJaJmH nHsH tHBtvƚ  ܫF|$a$$a$$N ,.j4`NlʨԨĪ"(DHlpȸȞȈvfWvvvvvh:dhCJaJmH sH h:dhZCJ]aJmH sH "h:dhZ6CJ]aJmH sH *h:dhZ5CJ\^J_HaJmH sH 3h:dhZ5CJ\aJfHmH q sH h:dhZ5CJaJmH sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH h:dhZCJaJmH sH "h:dhZ5CJ\aJmH sH ƫܫFƬ|̭ܭ8ɲ}\==h:dhZCJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH @h:dhZ5CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH 5h:dhZCJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH 3h:dhZ5CJ\aJfHmH q sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH h:dhZCJaJmH sH h:dhZ6CJaJmH sH |̭έʶ̶·TV df$`b$a$gdZ$dda$$a$ĶʶضT·tzƻ̻bz rvvU>,h:dhZCJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH @h:dhZ5CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH 0h:dhZ6CJaJfHmH q sH 3h:dhZ5CJ\aJfHmH q sH -h:dhZCJaJfHmH q sH =h:dhZCJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH @h:dhZ6CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH r"ǥǥǥbSCSCSh:dhZ6CJaJmH sH h:dhZCJaJmH sH @h:dhZ5CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH Ch:dh=U5CJOJQJ\^J_HaJfHmH q sH Ch:dhZ5CJOJQJ\^J_HaJfHmH q sH =h:dhZCJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH 2h:dhZ5CJOJQJ\^J_HaJmH sH $PXnp~$<$~]]]@9h:dhZ5B*CJaJfHmH phq sH @h:dhZ6CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH @h:dhZ5CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH Ch:dhZ5CJOJQJ\^J_HaJfHmH q sH =h:dhZCJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH =h:dhZCJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH q sH $R8>z z&(*Pܷܷܐ}]NC1N$h:dhZ0JmH sH #jh:dhZUmH sH h:dhZmH sH jh:dhZUmH sH >h:dhZB*CJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH $h:dhZCJ^J_HaJmH sH Lh:dhZ5B*CJOJQJ\^J_HaJfHmH phq sH Ih:dhZ6B*CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH Fh:dhZB*CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH   z(TVZ\|X$da$d$da$$a$ $da$$dda$$dda$PR\|XfЭrcN51h:dhZB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH )h:dhZB*CJ^JaJmH phsH h:dhZCJaJmH sH Ah:dhZ5B*CJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH 3h:dhZ5CJ\aJfHmH q sH Dh:dhZ5B*CJ\^J_HaJfHmH phq sH >h:dhZB*CJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH jh:dhZUmH sH  (@pͺwP,Fh:dhZB*CJOJQJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH Lh:dhZ5B*CJOJQJ\^J_HaJfHmH phq sH Dh:dhZ5B*CJ\^J_HaJfHmH phq sH >h:dhZB*CJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH $h:dhZCJOJQJaJmH sH 1h:dhZB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h:dhujB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH  4r$4^tѿѬuTuTuu;1h:dhZCJ^JaJfHmH q sH Ah:dhZ5B*CJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH Dh:dhZ5B*CJ\^J_HaJfHmH phq sH 'h:dhZ5B*CJ\mH phsH %h:dhZB*CJaJmH phsH "h:dhZ5CJ\aJmH sH h:dhZCJaJmH sH >h:dhZB*CJ^J_HaJfHmH phq sH $4DFt<**+>3@38499 :::<:; 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